Director of the center «Phenomen»:
Zagariya Nadezhda Ivanovna
Extrasens, the folk healer of the supreme category.
«It is a little of those who cures
of indifference and a harm.
I trust these people never-ending,
I trust in them as in myself.
Still time I bow up to floor
about my clear gratitude,
and certainly I to you duty,
be may my own happy life...»
Verses were devoted by the captain-lieutenant Jurtaev to healer Zagariya Nadezhda Ivanovna.
«Zagariya Nadezhda Ivanovna is one of rare phenomena. Her really unique abilities, allow me as to the professor, to the doctor of medical sciences to draw a conclusion, that the people possessing such gift as at Nadezhda Zagariya, in the world of unit, and they certainly should be considered as national property»
The professor, the doctor of medical sciences, the doctor-vertebronevrolog, the folk healer of the supreme category Beloshapkin A.A.
Chairman of examination board of the center «Phenomen».
«Only being under constant influence of two antagonistic beginnings of a universe and a human nature, the person can open the consciousness and develop the will»Agni-Yoga
The higher school of training folk's healers «Phenomen» is created for revealing phenomenal abilities, disclosing of internal reserves of a human body, healerical, extrasensorical abilities.
The school invites to training of all interested persons, both with medical education and without it. Training is spent in the internal and correspondence form, and also individual under the order with departure any city. Training passes with obligatory dedication, disclosing of channels and delivery documents - diplomas, certificates.
Before training without fail "pupil" passes the test for revealing extrasensorical or healerical abilities.
Into the program enters:
Disclosing extrasensorical abilities by means of special author's technics.
Disclosing healerical abilities
And also will master technics of correction at various diseases, such as:
After the ending of a rate and the test, the Moscow documents - the diploma or the certificate stand out.
Dedication occurs in the sated power points: Sochi, Gelengjik, Kamchatka, Tibet, India.
After the ending of rates interested persons can conclude the contract on cooperation with the center «Phenomen».
Training and in the correspondence form is possible - write, ask questions